Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Go of the Gospel!

Today we took a team to the University of South Florida(USF) and preached the gospel open air and one on one! As you can see we had a crowd of about 75-100 students and the hundreds that walked by that heard the bold declaration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We told them they had a vote or decision to make that was even more important than John McCain or Barack Obama.(Joe Biden had a rally at the campus today so this was an even hotter topic) There were many muslims, nominal christians, atheists, and many more in the crowd! We had a man who was a seeker who had some good questions that we met up with at the restaurant and we talked even further with him about the Truth. We had teams preaching one on one as I preached to the crowd! Students attentively sat there listening to the gospel for 90 minutes as we reasoned through some questions they had! (Acts 17:2) Christians came up to us afterward and thanked us and I trust the Lord is emboldening them to share the gospel as they watched us unashamably opening our mouth with the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation. It's Paul who plants, Apollos who waters, but God who gives the increase(I Cor 3:6)! It's time to come out of the closet and go with the gospel to the sick who need a doctor instead of waiting for them to come to us!

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